Lawyers and patent attorneys of „ALLIANCE RATUSHNYAK AND PARTNERS” deal with questions of purchase, maintenance of action and use of the rights on objects of intellectual property:
- Inventions and useful models
- Industrial samples
- Trade marks and company names
- Objects of the copyright (computer programs, databases, musical and literary works).
Experts of „ALLIANCE RATUSHNYAK AND PARTNERS” render highly skilled legal services and consultations in field of copyright and adjacent rights, protection of copyrights, signs for goods and services, industrial samples; give legal aid by preparation and the legal expertise of author's contracts, license contracts, contracts on transfer of property rights; advise on taxation.
Lawyers of „ALLIANCE RATUSHNYAK AND PARTNERS” carry out pre-judicial protection of intellectual property and copyrights, take part in negotiations and legal expertise of contracts which provide protection of interests of the clients, carry out representation in court of authors and owners of copyrights.